

He graduated from the Karol Lipiński State Music School in Lublin (class of prof.  Mieczysław Dawidowicz) and from the  Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice (diploma in the piano class of prof. Eugeniusz Knapik and chamber music class of prof.  Maria Szwajger-Kułakowska). In 2002 he completed postgraduate studies in the piano class of  prof.  Józef Stompel.  At present he is a professor at his Alma Mater, in the Department of Chamber Music.



Pianist and chamber musician. She graduated with honors from the S. Prokofiev Academy of Music in Donetsk (Ukraine). Since 1998, she has been associated with the Silesian Opera in Bytom as a vocal coach for soloists. She has frequently accompanied singers in international and national competitions. She has made numerous recordings for Polish Radio and Television. She is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Pianists - Laureates of International Competitions. Her repertoire includes over 70 operatic, operetta, and musical works (piano reductions) as well as numerous chamber pieces.



Pianist, opera singer, vocal tutor. A graduate of the Academy of Music. Karol Szymanowski in Katowice, in the piano class of prof. Andrzej Jasiński. Winner of domestic and foreign piano competitions. Scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and Art and the Mayor of Katowice. He participated in piano courses of such outstanding personalities as: Krystian Zimerman, Zbigniew Raubo, Józef Stompel, Joseph Bannovetz, Aleksei Orlovetzky and Lee Kum Sing.


A graduate of the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice (diploma in the piano class of prof. Wojciech Świtała and chamber music class of prof. Regina Strokosz-Michalak). She cooperates with outstanding singers – soloists of i.a. the National Opera in Warsaw, Kraków Opera, Silesian Opera, Wrocław Opera, Poznań Opera and instrumentalists (Metropolitan Opera New York, New York City Opera, Goeteborg Symphony Orchestra, National Symphonic Orchestra of the Polish Radio in Katowice, Silesian Philharmonics in Katowice).



Pianist and vocal coach. Born in Lviv. He graduated from the M. Lysenko Academy of Music in Lviv. During his studies, he began working as an accompanist and chamber musician. In 2016, he became a laureate of the V. Povzun Competition of Chambres Ensambles in Odessa (Ukraine). In 2019, he received a special prize at the International Piano Competition “ProArt-2019” – a workshop and concert in Vienna, as well as a scholarship from the Esperus Art Fund to participate in the Esperus Music Academy (Monpazier, France).
