
Second day of the second stage auditions | 10.10.2024

10 october 2024, Thursday

The second day of the second stage of auditions for the 5th International Adam Didur Opera Vocal Competition takes place today. The auditions are scheduled in two sessions: from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Check the schedule below for more details on the audition timings and follow the auditions online -> October 10, 2024: morning session and afternoon session.

11:00 am
17. Radecka Monika Michał Goławski 
18. Rutkowski Filip Mirella Malorny - Konopka
19. Rygiel Marlena Aleksander Teliga
20. Ryguła Michał Michał Goławski 
21. Shulman  Na'ama Aleksander Teliga
22. Skitsko Olena Olha Kozlan
23. Legun* Gabriela Michał Goławski 
24. Tepla Nataliia Roman Marchenko
BREAK 14:00-16:00
25. Pietrzak* Sylwia Larisa Czaban
26. Theil Tomasz Michał Goławski 
27. Trojak Paweł Aleksander Teliga
28. Vasiukov Yevhenii Mirella Malorny - Konopka
29. Wiktorzak Marta Aleksander Teliga
30. Blanik Aleksandra Grzegorz Biegas

 By decision of the organiser, the order of the audition has been changed


Photo Karol Fatyga

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