On Friday, October 11th, we invite you to the concert "Lviv Opera for Adam Didur" at the Adam Didur Concert Hall.
The event is a tribute to the patron of the competition and two outstanding Polish artists – Marcelina Sembrich-Kochańska and Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
Marcelina Sembrich-Kochańska, ranked among the top ten greatest sopranos in the history of the Metropolitan Opera, often performed alongside Adam Didur, creating unforgettable operatic performances. Ignacy Jan Paderewski, on the other hand, made his mark in history as the composer of the only Polish opera ever staged at the Metropolitan Opera – *Manru*.
The concert is organized by the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Polish-Ukrainian Foundation in collaboration with the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Solomiya Krushelnytska and the Silesian Opera.
Tickets for this concert can already be collected at the Silesian Opera box office.
Photo Karol Fatyga